Thought of the day (0-5) 15 Dec Written By Spooky Spurs News 24/7 I have no intentions of writing the post-mortem sober, therefore will look to get smashed out of my skull on Kraken and Morgans, so browse back later this evening for plentiful self-deprecation and woe is me analysis. ThrashedCrisisLiverpoolthe progression of AVB's Tottenham Spooky blogger, podcaster, lucid dreamer
Thought of the day (0-5) 15 Dec Written By Spooky Spurs News 24/7 I have no intentions of writing the post-mortem sober, therefore will look to get smashed out of my skull on Kraken and Morgans, so browse back later this evening for plentiful self-deprecation and woe is me analysis. ThrashedCrisisLiverpoolthe progression of AVB's Tottenham Spooky blogger, podcaster, lucid dreamer